Thursday, December 27, 2012



This week, we will print some excerpts from the diary of Abner Moutard (1760-1879).  Moutard was a God fearing man, and merchant whose iron tea-tray factory was located on what is now called Island Street.

April 31, 1792…have spent time seeking this date on calendar at tray mill, cannt (sic) find it…day may be May 1, unsure…”
“May 1, 1792…believe the loss of April 31 as a day is an evil thing eminating from the followers of some foreign pope, leader of catholicks (sic) in Penns Colony.  I praid (sic) for their souls being saved through damnation”
May 13, 1792…little son Marion is growing sacks on his chest, appears to have been misjudged at a young age.  May be a woman.  Am unsure.  I cannot judge well. Out of respect to the Lord, I have ne’r seen a woman without raiment.“
July 29, 1792…Have tak’n (sic) to tapin’ (sic) my bulbus’ (sic) chest lumps w’th (sic) tar rags and pich (sic) from the hemlock tree in naybor (sic) Shunt’s god-les (sic) wood lot. Remov’ng (sic) the strips stingeth (sic), so I countenanc (sic) them for 8 fort-nites (sic).”
Sept. 31, 1792…Wife Mendon has slaughtered the field horse, by mistake.  I am forced to plow with rodents.  Slow progress, plow’d about 13 inches by nightfall.  Planted one corn stalk.  Went a-bed late, in wet nightshirt”
November 11, 1792… Armistace Day, much rejoicing (sic) in town.  Thankful for freadom (sic) from the Hun.  God Bless our pres’dnt  and his foot-stuhl.”
 December 19,1792
Flesh has grown over chest rags now, cannot find the end of it.  God curse me a sinner, a worm, and trash in His eye, but think God loveth us still, I seek the mind of a shepherd of men, at Sunday meeting.  Rev. Makeover assureth that He loves me this very day, after kneeling at the font.  Am unsure if the Rev. meaneth God or himself

NEXT WEEK:  Little Sally Flim kept a diary of her efforts to make gin using roots, pond water and bacon grease.  Read her fascinating account of the day it all went terribly wrong.

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